Annual Autumn Breeding Sale – United Auctions, Stirling – 30th October 2021 – Luings Cattle Society

The Luing Cattle Society

01890 781358 / 07592 139708

Annual Autumn Breeding Sale – United Auctions, Stirling – 30th October 2021

The Luing Cattle Society, in conjunction with United Auctions, Stirling (October 30th) sold 292 pedigree and commercial Luing cattle at their 48th Annual Autumn Breeding Sale.  Trade was steady for an increased number forward, which included the dispersal of the Glenlyon Herd.  Pedigree bulling heifers (156) averaged £1324 and sold to a top of £2258, while Sim-Luing bulling heifers (52) averaged £1583 and topped £2730, down £122 on the year.